Free shipping on orders over $39.99 and 14-day free returns

payment method

We accept PayPal.
When you place an order using Paypal, you will be redirected to the PayPal payment page where you will need to log in to your Paypal account with your username and password. If Paypal doesn't support your currency, your payment will automatically be charged in US dollars.
How to pay with PayPal?
1. Log in to your PayPal account or use Credit Card Express;
2. Enter your card details and the order will be sent to your PayPal address. Then click "Submit";
3. Your payment will be processed and an invoice will be sent to your email address.
If you can't pay with Paypal
Check with Paypal to see if your account has a transaction limit.
According to PayPal's regulations, the shipping address and billing address must be in the same country, otherwise the payment will be declined.